How to Book Southern Image
Southern Image would love to have the opportunity to sing for your church, civic organization, or any other function you may have. Please complete the information below and someone from our office will get back to you within a short time. If you require more immediate attention, please call the numbers listed below and we will handle your request. We look forward to the opportunity to work with you.
For More Immediate Attention, Contact us at:
Southern Image Quartet
3398 Hwy 6
Plantersville, MS 38862
Phone 662-231-2341
or 662-231-4013
Information About our Expenses:
Our expenses include things such as recurring loan payments, fuel, maintenance, insurance, meals, on-road lodging, clothing, sound equipment purchase and maintenance, recording costs, etc. These costs are ongoing, regardless of our income. God has and continues to meet our basic needs to cover these costs. However, as we all know, the costs are rising, especially for fuel and maintenance.
We do charge a flat fee for ticketed events. We work with churches and organizations on a flat fee/love offering basis. Just as your church or organization (or any other ministry or business) has budgeted needs, so does our ministry. It would be our greatest desire that we could go out every weekend and minister without having to worry about costs, but we all know this is not possible. Unfortunately, we have to operate our ministry as a business and therefore, humbly ask that love offerings at least meet our basic expense needs. We will work with you any way we can to make your concert or event successful. We have several ways and options to accomplish this, and would love to have the opportunity to discuss this with you. We will give you a detailed outline of our expenses and ways they can be met that hopefully will fit into your guidelines.
We will gladly provide you with a breakdown of our expenses so that you can determine if it meets your budget.
Thank you for your consideration of Southern Image. God Bless!!
Give some general info
about your event, including how our expenses might be covered (See info below)